This year’s Migration Trends Report is out and at No. 9, we have Kansas City. Fun fact: Kansas City is actually in the state of Missouri. Although the name Kansas City often brings people to think of cornfields and cows, the city is booming in culture and it provides its residents with plenty to do. Surrounded by agriculture, the city’s food scene guarantees meals made with fresh ingredients. We asked our movers to share with us their moving experience. Check out their moving stories through #UhaulFamous photos below:
I had just recently started full-time as Repair Dispatch Manager for U-Haul of Missouri after a year or so as a part-time transfer driver. I picked up my boys, Arthur and Avinash up from school and we went over to the South Campbell Avenue UHaul Center here in Springfield. I took a few photos of my boys, sporting their new U-Haul hats, climbing around on tow dollies and auto transports. We adopted Arthur from Guatemala and Avinash from India. They are fascinated with UHaul trucks and trailers. Our shop has installed the uhaulfamous wraps on many trucks, so I can’t wait to show my boys their picture on a truck.
~Neil Pille
These photos are from Jason Dawson’s move. They are located in Claycomo, MO and Kansas City, MO. Looks like they put everybody to work for this move!
Emily posted her moving day selfie on Instagram with the caption “#myuhaul Glamour Selfie. I love driving big trucks. Hate moving!” She may not be a fan of moving but hey, at least she got some fun out of it.
For more info on #Uhaulfamous and to get your moving day photo on the side of a truck visit
Watch out for more of these stories behind our #UHaulFamous photos when we feature City #8 here in My U-Haul Story!
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