Jack Muir, a fifth-grader from Warren, N.J., is changing the world one good deed at a time. For his most recent philanthropic venture, Jack organized a food drive at his school.
“This is not Jack’s first venture into the world of charity,” said Rose Muir, Jack’s mother and the executive assistant for U-Haul Company of Central New Jersey (Co. 817). “He spearheaded his own ‘JACK-et’ drive in first grade to collect gently used coats for the homeless. Jack had been talking about another service project but hadn’t set anything in motion.”
Earlier this year, Jack’s teacher and classmates had a conversation about the role and importance of community.
“It really sparked urgency and excitement in Jack to initiate another service project,” Rose noted. “He decided that this time he wanted to do a food collection that could benefit children in need. After doing research, we decided that the food would be donated to Oasis – A Haven for Women and Children. I was confident they would get the food into the hands of families who needed it most.”
Boxman, Boxgirl to the Rescue

Jack and his little brother, Adam, made collection boxes for every classroom using the famous U-Haul Boxman and Boxgirl boxes, which Rose’s office provided.
The initiative made the school’s morning news announcements, drawing everyone’s attention to the posters and fliers Jack had designed and distributed about the food drive.
“The principal even offered extra recess to the class that brought in the most items,” Rose said.
By the end of the drive, Jack and his classmates filled more than 20 boxes of food, collecting nearly 1,500 items.
“We had more food than we were able to carry ourselves,” Rose said. “Co. 817 provided us with a U-Haul cargo van to transport all the food to Oasis.
“Jack is such a sweet and kindhearted kid. He was very grateful for all the support he received from U-Haul, his teachers, his classmates and their parents. He was so happy that he was able to help kids in need.”
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