U-Haul, founded by a WWII Navy veteran and his wife, has participated in the national Memorial Day Parade in Washington, D.C., for the last 15-plus years.
Representatives from U-Haul joined the American Veterans Center on May 27 to once again honor the lives of fallen U.S. soldiers during the annual parade. An estimated 250,000 spectators gathered to pay tribute and watch the event.
Flattered to Go First

U-Haul had the unique privilege of kicking off the parade festivities alongside surviving heroes of WWII to honor the upcoming 80th anniversary of D-Day on June 6.
“It has been our greatest honor to watch the growth of the National Memorial Day Parade over its first 20 years,” said Tim Holbert, American Veterans Center AVC president.
“From almost the very beginning, U-Haul has been right there with us, helping to make the parade possible and supporting the tribute to the fallen of our World War II generation. Through the years, U-Haul has been one of the parade’s greatest friends and champions, and we can’t say enough about how much their contributions have meant to the parade.”
Trucks that Stand Tall
Team Members, friends and family totaling more than 50 people from multiple states marched beside a double-file line of moving trucks emblazed with U-Haul Commemorative SuperGraphics. The celebrated graphics showcase the branches of the U.S. Armed Forces.

- View U-Haul SuperGraphics at uhaul.com/SuperGraphics and click on the Commemorative tab at the top to see the military tribute images.
Additionally, a U-Haul truck with the Ford Island Control Tower SuperGraphic recognized the fallen, and the survivors, of the Attack on Pearl Harbor. The 15-story tower survived the attack and was recently restored with a new elevator thanks to a generous gift from the Shoens, the founding family of U-Haul.
U-Haul also supplied a float for the event steered by Dave Yoho, a merchant Marine who served in WWII, alongside fellow merchant Marines who recently received a congressional gold medal for their service. Team Members walked beside the float handing out thousands of programs and American flags to spectators on Constitution Avenue.
Beyond Memorial Day, U-Haul is a huge proponent for veteran affairs as a recurrent Best for Vets employer and supporter of countless organizations that honor veterans and assist veteran causes.
Click here to read more about U-Haul Company’s involvement in past Memorial Day parades and events.