MTV’s popular documentary series, True Life is coming to Detroit. The episode, “Detroit Rising”, will feature young residents of the city who have a desire to make a difference.
Do you live in Detroit and want to change something that’s happening on your block or in your community? Are you trying to help out a friend in trouble, clean up a park, volunteer, or start a business? Or, maybe you’re part of a program that is trying to help Detroiters out in some way?
If you appear to be between the ages of 13-25, live in theDetroit area, and you want to do something positive in your community, email MTV at: Please include your name, neighborhood, phone number and a recent photo of yourself. Let us know what you’re trying to accomplish and what obstacles you’re facing doing it.
If you would like to further share your experiences in the Motor City and your Detroit spirit, we are looking for local writers and bloggers to contribute to the U-Haul “Moving Detroit” blog. The goal of the blog is to provide the latest updates on the U-Haul New Center Revitalization project. To participate in the community blogger program, visit our Moving Detroit Application on the U-Haul Facebook Page!