At the close of our presentations during our first challenge at Matrix Human Services back in October, I knew that this wasn’t the last I would see of Matrix. Hopefully Matrix knew the same.
As an eastern Detroit native, both of my parents and a few other relatives attended Osborn High School through the years. And, with my best friend of 20 years growing up right around the corner from her own neighborhood school, I’ve spent many summers in the area. So, when I found out we were doing our first challenge at eastern Detroit’s Matrix Human Services, I couldn’t be more elated and ready to take on Detroit’s east side with my bare hands. Working with the employment center the first time was very rewarding and made me feel like I was really able to leave my mark. Over the next couple of months, the experience stayed in the back of my mind.
Then, at the end of the year, we were hit with a “surprise” community service event at none other than Matrix Human Services. While I was prepared to wrap gifts and prepare Christmas baskets for the community, I guess I must’ve skipped over the fine print that stated the partnership between Mosher Dolan and Kelley Construction. Upon arrival, we found out that instead of pretty wrapping paper and tape we would be working with power tools and an assortment of other handheld tools to give the gymnasium of Matrix a “face-lift”. Now, changing my thought process from ‘Santa’s little helper’ to ‘Bob the Builder’ was easier than I thought. This wasn’t what I expected, but I became more than enthused about the project as the day progressed. I even got to cancel my workout for the weekend.
After removing all of the unnecessary furniture being stored in the gym, I had the opportunity to knock down an entire wall! We took care of several things in the building and had a chance to reconnect with some of the members of Matrix who were happy to see us again.
The project was split up into two separate weekends among the group. I can’t wait to see the finished product. I’m excited to see all of the great things just like this that are happening on Detroit’s east side. If you are in the area, I highly recommend a visit to Matrix whether it is to receive help, or to volunteer your time towards a great cause.
What’s your favorite story of revitalization in Detroit’s community? Have you been to the Matrix Human Services gymnasium lately? Let us know below in the comment’s section.
— Asia