This year’s Migration Trends Report is out and at No. 7, we have Austin, Texas. The city is sprawling with jobs and millennials looking to set up roots. Austin is not only known for its start-up and tech hub, but also because it still remains true to its traditional Western roots and Southern hospitality. Austin is a relatively inexpensive city to live in, so it comes at no surprise to find it a part of the top ten cities to move to. We asked some our Austin movers to share with us their moving experience. Check out their moving stories through #uhaulfamous photos below:
@lorirenee is moving! Lucky we were able to put both of our Honda Elite SR scooters in with everything, inside of a 10′ U haul truck! ha ha! #hondaelite #hondadio #honda #elite #scooter #uhaul #truck #10footuhaul #austintexas #moving #hondaelitesr #elite50 #micbergsma #uhaulfamous
Our family moved back to Austin after living in Nashville for 10 years. U-Haul removed a ton of stress that is associated with moving. Thank you U-Haul! This picture was taken downtown Austin.
It was that kind of a roadtrip. Couldn’t ask for better friends and family, love y’all @theboyanom @vcdear #westtexas #itllbefuniswear #redfordays #paducah #cottlecounty #ew #uhaul #yal
For more info on #Uhaulfamous and to get your moving day photo on the side of a truck visit
Watch our for more of the stories behind our #uhaulfamous photos when we feature City No. 6, here, in My U-Haul Story!
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