This year’s Migration Trends Report is out and at No. 3, we have Las Vegas. For those who are moving to Las Vegas, they are likely to be drawn to the area for three main reasons: the gorgeous weather with over 300 days of sunshine a year and an average temperature, the variety of entertainment going on at all times, and the ever growing job market. We asked our movers to share with us their moving experiences — Check out their moving stories through #UhaulFamous photos below:
“Hello from Las Vegas, Nevada, Biljana Runic”
We see you pointing at your soon-to-be home. Get ready for some crazy night-life and an active atmosphere in your new Vegas location!
Although we don’t recommend climbing on top of a U-Haul truck, these kids sure know how to take a cute picture. We hope you enjoyed your move! Thanks Victoria for the awesome shot!
An actual video arcade game and a U-Haul trailer? Is there really anything better than that combination? Jimmy, we sure hope you enjoyed your move… and safely returned to your vehicle before towing your precious cargo.
“#uhaulfamous @gouhaul rawrr get this truck out of here !!!! tim quid”
When your hat is the same shade of orange as the truck you appear to be pushing. Tim’s selfie game is definitely strong. Keep up the awesome moving photos!
For more info on #Uhaulfamous and to get your moving day photo on the side of a truck visit
Watch our for more of these stories behind our #UHaulFamous photos when we feature City #2 here in My U-Haul Story!
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