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U-Haul Stories 

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Media Relations 

Sailing Ahead

Sailing Ahead

Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors, but skillful sailors make excellent U-Haul team members. Environmental Health and Safety Coordinator Lucien Sahali—a skillful...

Fiesta Para Las Mamas con U-Haul

Fiesta Para Las Mamas con U-Haul

U-Haul is celebrating 70 years of service this year and nearly 48 years headquartered in Phoenix. Over the years we have developed relationships with many national and local...

Toys for Tots of Lebanon, PA Utilizes U-Haul

Toys for Tots of Lebanon, PA Utilizes U-Haul

In 1947, Major Bill Hendricks gathered some Marines to collect 5,000 toys from the community for the children. The mission of collecting toys and distributing them to children of...

Haul-ing Donated Bikes To Children In Need

Haul-ing Donated Bikes To Children In Need

In the spirit of the holidays, David Cruz, Executive Administrator for The Boys and Girls Clubs of the Peninsula, helped organize a charity event to supply local low income...