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jeff lockridge
U-Haul 2016 Growth State No. 7: IDAHO

U-Haul 2016 Growth State No. 7: IDAHO

Idaho is the No. 7 U.S. Growth State for 2016, according to the latest U-Haul migration trends report. Idaho, a growth state by a fairly narrow margin in 2015 when it was No. 21,...

U-Haul 2016 Growth State No. 8: LOUISIANA

U-Haul 2016 Growth State No. 8: LOUISIANA

Louisiana is the No. 8 U.S. Growth State for 2016, according to the latest U-Haul migration trends report. Louisiana climbed 27 spots from its No. 35 growth ranking for 2015....

U-Haul 2016 Growth State No. 9: VERMONT

U-Haul 2016 Growth State No. 9: VERMONT

Vermont is the No. 9 U.S. Growth State for 2016, according to the latest U-Haul migration trends report. Vermont climbed seven spots from its No. 16 growth ranking for 2015....

U-Haul 2016 Growth State No. 10: ARKANSAS

U-Haul 2016 Growth State No. 10: ARKANSAS

Arkansas is the No. 10 U.S. Growth State for 2016, according to the latest U-Haul migration trends report. Arkansas maintained its top-10 growth status by essentially duplicating...

An Evening with a Pearl Harbor Survivor

An Evening with a Pearl Harbor Survivor

  HONOLULU, Hawaii — Pearl Harbor survivor Peter Limon of San Diego is quite a man. At 93, he uses a walker to get around. But he remains resilient in mind and spirit,...