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#UhaulFamous Photos from Austin

#UhaulFamous Photos from Austin

This year's Migration Trends Report is out and at No. 7, we have Austin, Texas. The city is sprawling with jobs and millennials looking to set up roots. Austin is not only known...

Telecommuting Jobs and U-Haul

Telecommuting Jobs and U-Haul

As a family owned and operated business for 70 years, U-Haul takes great pride in keeping employee's families a priority. There are several jobs offered at U-Haul that empower...

Meet U-Haul Dealer Pioneer Clyde Davis

Meet U-Haul Dealer Pioneer Clyde Davis

WICHITA FALLS, Texas–One day in February 1950, a young man from Portland Ore., visited Wichita Falls in search of dealers for a new company called U-Haul. One stop on his search...

Returned Wedding Ring WOWs Customer

Returned Wedding Ring WOWs Customer

Houston—When U-Haul customer Jay Ribble left his wedding ring on the sink at U-Haul Moving and Storage at 34th Street, he thought he was in the “doghouse” for life. But, thanks...