In 1945, U-Haul co-founders L.S. "Sam" Shoen and his wife, Anna Mary Carty Shoen, found themselves moving from Los Angeles to Portland, Oregon. The problem, however, was they...
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Media Relations
Spirit of ’45 National Bugler Auston O’Neill Honors WWII Veterans on Journey of Faith
His creases are flawless, the blacks and yellows so striking that they nearly jump off his uniform. Auston O’Neill, peering through dark glasses, stands beside his bride of 40...
Future LSU Student Gets Serious with Distracted Driving Video
While some 2015 Project Yellow Light scholarship winners used humor to warn viewers about distracted driving, Ryan Robert Reid tugged on heartstrings with a cautionary tale of a...
Moving is more fun with a friend [Photos]
The saying goes, the more the merrier, and this definitely applies when you are moving into your first apartment or across the country. You need someone to take selfies with and...
Bighouse Automotive: Always There
When Ralph Bighouse opened the doors to Bighouse Automotive and U-Haul Dealership in 1954, it was located in a fairly affluent area. Over the years, the neighborhood’s complexion...
Soldier Ride Washington, D.C. Returns to White House
Wounded Warrior Project®, U-Haul® and other participants of the ninth annual Soldier Ride® Washington, D.C. gathered April 16 on the South Lawn as President Barack Obama prepared...
U-Haul Offers Assistance to Storm Victims in Oklahoma
The U-Haul Company of Oklahoma City announced on May 7 it is offering 30 days of free self-storage to all residents who were affected by devastating tornadoes and severe storms...
Team U-Haul Helps Nepal Earthquake Victims
On April 25, an incredibly destructive and powerful earthquake hit Nepal. The 7.8 magnitude Gorkha Earthquake was the largest disaster in Nepal since 1934. More than 7,000 people...
No One Left Behind Uses U-Haul to Serve Heroes
"I should have died on April 28, 2008," says No One Left Behind Founder, Matt Zeller. "Instead, I was able to return to my family and my beautiful baby girl because my Afghan...
U-Haul Helps PCH put on Fashion Show for Down Syndrome Patients
U-Haul was proud to play a small role in helping the Phoenix Children’s Hospital pull off its second annual Downright Beautiful Fashion Show on March 22 at the Musical Instrument...
Project Yellow Light Names Distracted Driving Winning Videos
The resourceful use of animals and humor to convey a serious message was a common thread among the $5,000 first-place winners of the 2015 Project Yellow Light scholarship video...
Oil Crisis: U-Haul Gasoline Assurance Program
Picture this: It's the 1970s and you drive up to a gas station (or service station as they were called back then) and you see a sign that reads, “Pumps closed.” You have no idea...