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The Story Behind Spoot Trailers

The Story Behind Spoot Trailers

Few people know where they came from or how they came to be. We do know, there are three of them. The Spoots are a rare sighting. Herman Spoot, Herman Spoot Jr. and Herman Spoot...

Meet the Team: Hap Carty

Meet the Team: Hap Carty

Hap Carty is a U-Haul pioneer whose U-Haul story dates back to the Company’s beginning in 1945 when his sister, Anna Mary Carty Shoen, co-founded U-Haul. Here, in his own words,...

What does Memorial Day Mean to U?

What does Memorial Day Mean to U?

On Monday people all over the United States are likely to be enjoying a day off from the world and spending time with their friends or family. But what does Memorial Day really...

Bighouse Automotive: Always There

Bighouse Automotive: Always There

When Ralph Bighouse opened the doors to Bighouse Automotive and U-Haul Dealership in 1954, it was located in a fairly affluent area. Over the years, the neighborhood’s complexion...

Oil Crisis: U-Haul Gasoline Assurance Program

Oil Crisis: U-Haul Gasoline Assurance Program

Picture this: It's the 1970s and you drive up to a gas station (or service station as they were called back then) and you see a sign that reads, “Pumps closed.” You have no idea...

Telecommuting Jobs and U-Haul

Telecommuting Jobs and U-Haul

As a family owned and operated business for 70 years, U-Haul takes great pride in keeping employee's families a priority. There are several jobs offered at U-Haul that empower...

U-Haul Chairman Made His Phone Number Public

U-Haul Chairman Made His Phone Number Public

Just how committed is U-Haul Chairman Joe Shoen to U-Haul's customers? Enough to give out his personal cell phone number for customers to call and speak directly to him. Joe...

Meet The Team: Henry P. Kelly

Meet The Team: Henry P. Kelly

Henry P. Kelly believes the most important "ingredient" in running a business and creating a quality product is the people. With 57 years in the company under his belt, Henry has...

U-Haul Technical Center and Test Track

U-Haul Technical Center and Test Track

Opened in June 1970, the U-Haul Technical Center in Tempe, Arizona, is the source of many of the Company's product innovations and advancements. In its early days, 84 people...